Institutional policies

Institutional policies for project implementation

In this section you will find all the policies that Neuvor manages for the implementation of programs and projects, both at the fiduciary level and in terms of environmental, social and gender safeguards. 

We have a Code of Ethics that promotes the permanent existence of a healthy environment for proper management, framed in morality, honesty and personal ethics. The main objective of this document is to outline the general guidelines for the behavior of our employees and consultants/suppliers hired to provide professional services, so that their actions are in line with the values of the institution and promote the permanent existence of a healthy management environment, within the framework of morality, honesty and personal ethics. Here you can also find our Whistleblower and Witness Protection Policy in cases of complaints and denunciations.

Aware of the need to have a safeguard to prevent possible environmental and population impacts during the execution of programs and projects, Neuvor has adopted a set of environmental, social and gender policies (called safeguards), which aim to avoid, mitigate and manage such adverse environmental and social impacts and risks, as well as to improve the environmental and social benefits and opportunities for the local populations involved.

From this point of view, the safeguards constitute a management tool that allows men and women to exercise their rights during the design and implementation of the program and/or project, contributing to improve their quality of life.

Neuvor manages a series of rules regarding the Prevention and Fight against Corruption that aim to prevent and combat fraud and corruption that may occur in relation to the use of funds during the preparation and/or execution of a project through Neuvor. These rules establish the general principles, requirements and sanctions applicable to persons and executing entities receiving funds administered by Neuvor.

Among the duties under the scope of application of the Code of Ethics, is the duty of Neutrality, by which one must act with absolute political, economic or any other kind of impartiality in the performance of their duties or services commissioned or contracted, demonstrating independence to their links with individuals, political parties or institutions. Thus, this guideline establishes the procedure to prevent aspects related to conflict of interest.

These are the set of administrative rules and procedures under which programs and projects with funds managed by Neuvor must be implemented. These guidelines regulate the processes of disbursement of funds, accountability, contracting and procurement of services, goods and works, the evaluation of the quality of the products generated by a contract, and the approval of their results, among other procedures. As these administrative guidelines are part of Neuvor's policies, their application and use is mandatory for all those who access these funds, whether public, private, natural or legal persons.

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